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Let us help you succeed.  Find the permits, licenses, requirements, and guidelines you need to help you start, manage, and grow a business in San Rafael.

January 1, 1970

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo,...

For Emergencies Call 911 For information on an active emergency, such as a vegetation fire or flood, please visit the Marin County public emergency portal at Fire Prevention, Construction Inspections The Inspection Section of the Bureau of Fire Prevention inspects the life safety components of new building construction, building remodels, and fire sprinkler & fire alarm systems...

The City’s contractor, DC Electric maintains the street lights in the City of San Rafael. If your issue pertains to street lights you may fill out the form on their website.

We update our Events calendar regularly. Check out our list of upcoming events!

The police non-emergency phone number is (415) 485-3000. Don’t like phone calls? You can also email us. Our business line is staffed by an actual person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may call this number to report a crime, request officer assistance, or ask a question.

You can request a copy on our website or visit the Police Department to fill out a request form.

Contact the San Rafael City Schools Student Enrollment & Family Center at (415) 492-3236 or (415) 492-3226. Visit their website for your neighborhood school and enrollment forms.

Grass clippings should be placed in your green container so that they will be compostable and won't add more waste to the landfills. Check out Marin Sanitary Service's "What Goes in Your Carts?" page.

You have a few options when you have large garbage items that don't fit in your container: 1) You can pay Marin Sanitary Service to pick it up 2) You can bring it to the indoor dump, or 3) You can wait until your next Bulky Waste Pickup, which happens 2 times per year. For...

Marin Sanitary Service will send a flier with your bill to inform you of your street’s  Curbside Pick-up Date.  You may place a limit of 14  bags or cans of extra garbage, recyclables or yard waste at the curb the night before the designated service day. The bags or can may not be larger than 32...

If your garbage wasn’t picked up you can contact Marin Sanitary Service and they will return that same or following day. Reports must be made within 48 hours of the service day. Any missed collections reported after 48 hours will be subject to a fee for collection. You can contact Marin Sanitary Service by email...

When you activate service with Marin Sanitary Service, they will provide you with your trash and recycling pickup day.

Residents: Residents can bring paints and chemicals to the Marin Household and Hazardous Waste Facility for free. Open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 am to 3:30 pm. Business: Businesses with very small quantities of Hazardous Waste  may be able to dispose of them at the HHW  facility for a fee.

For information on a San Rafael Municipal Election you can contact the City Clerk’s office at (415) 485-3066. For information on elections not pertaining to the City of San Rafael, you can contact the Marin County Elections Department at (415) 473-6456.

The Marin County Registrar of Voters maintains a list of all polling places. For more information, contact the Marin County Registrar of Voters at (415) 473-6456.

You can register to vote online at the CA Secretary of State website or submit your voter registration form to the Marin County Elections Department by mail or in person. The Marin County Elections Department is located at 3501 Civic Center Drive in room 121. You may pick up a voter registration form at any...

You may have an outdoor fire in an outdoor fire pit or fireplace but check for Winter Spare the Air Alerts before you burn. Residents and businesses can call 1-877-4NO-BURN (1-877-466-2876) to check theWinter Spare the Air Alert status and to report wood smoke concerns in their area. Kindling an outdoor fire is prohibited in extreme fire weather when...

Sorry, but you’re going to have to go to the DMV. To register a vehicle in California: Visit a local CA DMV office; the nearest are in Corte Madera and Novato. Present proof of ownership and a smog certificate. Provide proof of your ID and car insurance. Complete an Application for Title or Registration (Form...

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