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School Age Program Handbook

Please find School Age Program information below.


We believe that play is the foundation that supports children’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.

Our Purpose

To provide a safe, nurturing environment for your child that offers ample opportunity to explore, create learn and play.

Center-Based Programs

Our six school-age child care programs are state-licensed child care centers operated by the City of San Rafael Child Care Division, which is part of the Community Services Department. City  of San Rafael Child Care Division services are provided for all eligible children in a non- discriminatory manner without regard to sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability, or age or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.


The Center Director is available to discuss any policies detailed in this handbook and to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding our program or your child’s enrollment. We look forward to serving you and your family and encourage your input and comments.

Hours and Days of Operation

Our centers are open Monday through Friday with the exception of the days listed below, when they will be closed. Center schedules are designed to meet the varied needs of our families. Center hours are set in conjunction with school-day schedules and school district calendars. Care is available on non-school days including winter and spring breaks and on teacher in-service days. Opening times vary, but all centers close at 6:30 p.m.


(Calendar subject to change)

Labor Day Holiday

Veteran’s Day Holiday

Thanksgiving Holiday

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Presidents’ Day

Staff Development Day

Cesar Chavez Day

Staff Development Day

Memorial Day

Staff Development Day

Independence Day

Staff Development Day

Kid’s Camp

As the school year ends we switch gears to a fun-filled, full-day program offering swimming, field-trips and endless activities to keep your child engaged and happy throughout the summer. Summer calendar and enrollment packets are available in early spring at your center.


Registration and enrollment are processed at each center. A completed registration packet along with payment of all registration and related fees must be completed prior to your child’s first day of attendance. A registration fee of $42.00 for one child and $58.00 per family, that is paid upon enrollment and then annually at the beginning of each school year.

Enrollment is processed on first come, first served basis. We do our best to accommodate everyone. We are licensed by the Department of Social Services. Each license has a limit based on the number of teachers present, teacher qualifications and the size of the facility. Some of our centers are at full enrollment during the year which makes taking new enrollments or accommodating extra days impossible. Our license capacity varies from center to center, depending on the staff and space. If a program is full a waiting list is kept and families are notified as openings occur.

Priority Policy

Priority is given to full-time kindergartners, families needing full-time care, siblings currently enrolled and transfers within the City of San Rafael Child Care Division.

Enrollment Forms and Accounts

Each month, parents submit an enrollment form indicating the days and blocks of time care is needed for the following month. The form must be returned to the center no later than the 20th of each month. Forms received after the 20th of the month will be billed at the higher drop-in rate and may result in unavailable days during peak enrollment periods.

Child care accounts are calculated using the enrollment form and families are issued one monthly statement detailing all charges. On the first of the month, unless an enrollment form has been received, your child will not be permitted to attend. Center staff is not permitted to modify the enrollment form for parents.

Drop-in Care

Drop-in care is any additional care request made in advance that is not scheduled on your enrollment form. Payment is due and payable the day of attendance for periodic drop-in enrollment or if you choose not to use the monthly enrollment form. Drop-in care must be approved in advance of your child attending. Contact the center directly.


We accept faxes 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Fax your enrollment form to our main office at 415-458-5009.


How to Pay Your  Bill

  • Family statements are placed in your parent file at the beginning of each month.
  • Statements will not be mailed.
  • Payments are due upon receipt of the bill and past due after the 10th of the month.
  • Fees must be paid by check or money order. No cash is accepted.
  • Checks should be made payable to the “City of San Rafael”.
  • If you mail your payment, address it Attn: Child Care and include your center name.
  • Print your child’s name clearly on the check. Allow an extra 4-5 days when mailing payments.
  • Contact your center director immediately with any questions or to dispute any charges on your monthly statement.
  • NOTE: No credit is offered for non-attendance.

Pay Electronically

You may arrange to have your monthly tuition automatically paid with your Visa, MasterCard, checking or savings account by completing an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) form. Forms are available at all centers.  EFT transactions are processed only on the 10th of each month. If your payment is declined, your account will be charged a $25 fee. You are responsible for paying your tuition, including the declined amount fee in full by the 20th of each month or your account will be charged late payment fees.

Child Care Scholarships

The City of San Rafael does not subsidize child care tuition. Limited scholarships are available in the community to qualifying families. Contact the Marin Child Care Council at 415-479-2273 for more information.

Late Payment Fees/Returned Payments

A $20.00 late charge is added to unpaid accounts on the 21st of the month. If fees are not paid, child care services will be suspended effective the first Monday after the 21st of the month.

Your child will not be able to attend the center until all fees are brought current. Non-payment and excessive late payments (three in any six-month period) will result in termination of enrollment.

A $25.00 fee is assessed on returned checks or electronic payments. This fee and full tuition payment must be made by money order or cashiers’ check for the current billing period. When two payments have been returned in a one-year period we will require money-order or cashier’s check for all future payments.

Family Discount

A 5% discount on tuition will be given for families with more than one child attending and  is applied to the lesser amount billed and does not apply to drop-in care, other program fees or delinquent accounts.

Suspension Policy

When a child is suspended from school he/she may not attend child care for the duration of the school suspension.

Termination of Enrollment

A child may be suspended from attending the center or enrollment may be terminated for any of the following:

  • Tuition is more than 20 days past due
  • Excessive late pick-up (3 or more times in a 3-month period)
  • A child’s behavior is unmanageable or unsafe
  • A parent is unable or unwilling to work with center staff to resolve a problem
  • The child care program is unable to meet the needs of an individual child


/Out Procedure

State law requires that centers maintain a daily attendance record. Our centers use a sign- in/sign out sheet method. Staff sign children “in” when they arrive from school and parent sign “out” upon departure.  On full days children must be escorted into the center and signed-in by a parent or authorized adult.

Pick-Up On-Time

The center closes promptly at 6:30 p.m. If you pick up your child after 6:30 p.m., your account will be charged a late fee as follows:

  • $20 for the first 10 minutes or less
  • $10 for each additional 10 minutes or less

Three late pick-ups in a three-month period are cause for dismissal from the program.

Parent-Center Communication

All requests, instructions or inquiries are to be made in writing in and delivered directly to a staff person at the child care center.

There are notice boards and parent files at each center. Please check these regularly for pertinent information, bills, and announcements. Most centers also communicate via email. Please keep your contact information current.


Contact the center when your child will be absent for any reason. If your child leaves early from school for any reason you are required to contact the center, the school does not notify the center regarding absences or early departure. Repeated failure to notify the center in advance of a child’s absence will require a scheduled conference with center director, and could result in termination of services.

Sick Children

Our license prohibits us from accommodating sick children. If your child becomes ill or has a serious injury you will be contacted to pick up your child immediately. Children are not permitted to attend a center with fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pink-eye, head lice or other contagious conditions. They must be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning to the center. Please inform the center if your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease or other contagious condition.


All medication given to children must meet community care licensing requirements.  Please fill out Consent to Administer Medication form. All prescription medication must be in the original prescription bottle (clearly labeled with child’s name). Parents are strictly prohibited from sending medication to the center with a child.


Send your child dressed ready to participate in active play, which often includes messy projects. We recommend that children wear comfortable, layered clothing and shoes suitable for outdoor-play, sports and field trips. Label all clothing with your child’s name.

Items from Home

Staff members are not responsible for the loss, theft or damage to children’s personal belongings. Individual centers have policies regarding personal items from home. Please check with the center staff prior to sending any items from home.


While every attempt is made to ensure your child's safety, accidents do occur. The child care program carries an accident insurance policy for children attending our centers and participating in center-sponsored activities. It is not, however, a primary insurance policy.

Contact the child care administration office for claim forms and information on filing procedures within 24 hours of the accident. Claim forms must be returned to the child care administration office within 48 hours from the day of the accident.

Lost and Found

There is a place for lost and found items at the center. Please check regularly for lost items.


Donations to our centers are tax-deductible. Please check with the center director if your family would like to donate materials, supplies or equipment.

Withdrawal Notice

Should you need to withdraw your child from the program, please provide written notification to the center director two weeks prior your child’s last day. Once notice has been received a refund for the days scheduled for the remainder of the month will be issued. Please allow 3-4 weeks to process a reimbursement check.

Adult Rules of Conduct

We consider the following adult behaviors to be in conflict with our children’s center philosophy, where we are devoted to providing a caring, safe and nurturing environment.

  1. No child or adult will be physically abused, including shaking, grabbing, hitting, etc. at the center or at any center-related
  2. No child or adult will be verbally abused or harassed and no adult will use profane or obscene language at the center or at any center-related
  3. Theft or damage of school, center or private property is

Failure to follow the adult rules of conduct will result in termination from all City of San Rafael Child Care programs. If you have any questions, please contact the Center Director.

Complaints and Inspection Authority

If parents have a concern or complaint about the facility, program, curriculum or staff, they are encouraged to bring the matter immediately to the center director's attention. They may also call the child care administration office at 415-485-3386 and ask to speak with the child care Supervisor.

Parents also have the right to make a complaint directly to the licensing agent at the Department of Social Services. A complaint may be made, either orally or in writing to:

Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing Peninsula Regional Office

801 Traeger Avenue Ste. 100 MS: 29-24 San Bruno, CA 94066

(650) 266-8843

Any duly authorized officer, employee, or agent of the department may, upon presentation of proper identification, enter and inspect any place providing personal care, supervision, and services at any time, with or without advance notice, to secure compliance with or to prevent a violation or Health and Safety Code Sec.1596.852 and 1596.853.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Regarding children with disabilities, as defined by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), all programs welcome enrollment of such children and understand the requirements of the ADA and implements and makes reasonable accommodations for such children.

In Case of Emergency

Should an emergency arise and you are unable to reach anyone at the Center, please contact our Child Care Administrative Office at 415-485-3386 or the Community Services Department at 415-485-3333.

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