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Scheduled night work – Chevron (949 Del Presidio Blvd) from August 16 – August 31

Posted on August 12, 2021

Scheduled night work - Chevron 949 Del Presidio from August 16 - August 31

From August 16 to August 31, the Chevron development located at 949 Del Presidio Blvd has night work scheduled for week nights (Monday to Friday) between from 7 pm to 5 am. The contractor, Alccon General, will be performing utility trenching and frontage improvements along Del Presidio Blvd and Manuel T Freitas Parkway.

Traffic controls will be in place. Please drive with caution and follow all posted directional signals.

For questions and inquiries, please contact Robert Fiscalini at (408) 763-1763.

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