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San Rafael Update: Tier Status, Vaccine News, Variants, & more

Posted on March 3, 2021

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Yesterdaythe State provided its weekly tier assessment update for Marin CountyMarin remains in Tier 2 (red status) for its second week. In order for us to advance to Tier 3 (orange status) we must remain in Tier 2  for a minimum of three weeks, and we must meet all criteria for Tier 3 for two consecutive weeks before advancing. 


During the Marin County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday morning, Dr. Matt Willis provided an update concerning the local COVID-19 response. His presentation provided an epidemiological review of COVID-19 case rates and vaccination rates, current vaccination efforts, new data dashboards, and reminders for ongoing COVID-19 testing. 

Please continue to keep yourself and those around you safe and healthy. When you leave your home wear a mask that fits snug on your face (covering your nose and mouth), keep your distance from those outside your household, and practice frequent handwashing.  


COVID-19 Vaccine News 

Marin County has begun providing COVID-19 vaccines to educatorsfood service workerschilcare providerspeople who work in agriculture, and emergency service workers. The County is working with employers of the essential workforce groups to connect employees with vaccination options. In addition, essential workers eligible for vaccine will be able to access the vaccine through commercial pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and neighboring vaccine sites offered through the state’s MyTurn appointment system.  

Additional pharmacies have begun offering the vaccine to Marin residents. 

Vaccine Appointment Hotline for Older Adults 

On Monday, Marin County launched a new vaccine appointment hotline for older adults who are having a difficult time scheduling vaccination appointments through the online formOlder adults, age 75 and older, can now call 833-641-1988 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to get assistance scheduling their vaccination appointment from a real live human being. 


COVID-19 Variants 

Multiple COVID-19 variants have been detected globally. Earlier this month, we heard of two variants identified in Santa Clara CountyTo keep the public informed, the State has created a variant tracking webpage which hosts general information about variants, the importance of tracking variants, known variants in California, and more.  

Know a business or school with extra food? 

ExtraFood, a county-wide nonprofit food rescue program, picks up excess fresh food, 7/365 and free of charge, and immediately distributes it to vulnerable children, older adults, and families who are in need. In seven years, ExtraFood has rescued and delivered 4,500,000 pounds of food to more than 8,000 people throughout Marin. Plus, every 100 pounds of food rescued prevents the equivalent emissions of 234 driving miles!  


  • Marin County Small Business Fund is open and accepting Loan Inquiry Form applications from Marin businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply before the March 15th deadline! 
  • If your business has been effected by the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to know how! Take a few moments to tell us. Survey: English | Spanish 
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