The State has moved COVID-19 county Tier assessments from a weekly basis to as-needed when the State determines that the most recent reliable data indicates immediate action is needed to address COVID-19 transmission in a county.
During yesterday’s assessment, the State confirmed Marin County’s placement in Tier 2 (red status) for a third straight week. We are one of only six California counties not in Tier 1 (purple status), which is the most restrictive Tier of the blueprint.
Marin County numbers:
- Adjusted case rate: 4.4 (increase of 1 since last assessment)
- Overall test positivity rate: 1.8% (increase of .3% since last assessment)
We must remain in a tier for a minimum of three weeks before being able to advance to the next, less restrictive tier. It’s important that we remain diligent in our prevention methods to prevent moving backwards. If our case rate and positivity rate fall into different tiers, we remain in the stricter tier.
Wear your mask, practice good hygiene, and keep your distance from those outside your household.
State Announces Small Business Grants
The State of California announced a Small Business Emergency Relief Package that will provide immediate relief for businesses impacted by the virus. Programs include a Main Street Hiring Tax Credit, sales tax deferrals, and $500,000,000 in reserve funds for grants to small businesses, nonprofits, and cultural institutions.
- California’s $100 million Main Street Hiring Tax Credit which launched December 1, 2020 will help businesses by providing $1,000 per qualified employee and up to $100,000 for each business.
- California sales tax deferrals including an automatic 3-month extension for taxpayers with less than $1M in sales tax. This includes hair salons, bars, restaurants, and other businesses heavily impacted by COVID-19.
- $500,000,000 in reserve funds for grants to small businesses, nonprofits, and cultural institutions. Businesses can apply for grants up to $25,000.
Learn more at: www.covid19.ca.gov
Shop Locally, Shop Safely
When you eat, shop, or use local services, you invest in our local economy. So, when you get ready to knock out some Holiday shopping this year consider supporting your local San Rafael businesses!
The Downtown Business Improvement District is encouraging holiday shoppers to commit to buying at least one gift or gift certificate in Downtown San Rafael this season. Sounds do-able! Lastly, enjoy three hours of free parking at all City-owned parking lots and garages.
If you choose to shop locally this holiday season, please take steps to keep it safe for everyone:
- Stay home if you’re not feeling well. There’s no sale or bargain that is worth potentially spreading illness to others.
- Always wear your mask and ensure it covers mouth AND nose.
- Wash/sanitize hands frequently. Bring own sanitizer and sanitizing before entering and after leaving a store. Then wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after you get home.
- Maintain physical distancing (at least 6 feet) from other shoppers. This may be difficult to do in smaller stores, so be vigilant about keeping your mask in place for the duration of your shopping experience.
- Use online services or curbside pick-up options when available.
- Exercise patience and respect. Holiday shopping during a pandemic is a new experience for all of us. Everyone is navigating the COVID-19 pandemic to the best of their abilities and has different comfort levels about what is safe to do. Some of your fellow shoppers may be more restrictive than these guidelines and we ask that you respect their wishes and concerns.
Looking for COVID Testing?
There are many COVID testing options available today, through medical providers, self-referral sites, and at-home testing options. It’s free and you don’t need to have insurance to get tested!
Not sure if you should get a test?
Health officials recommend getting a COVID test if meet any of the following requirements:
- You are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19
- You were notified by Marin Public Health as being high risk or a “close contact” to a person confirmed to have COVID-19
- You work in a high-risk setting, such as a hospital or medical clinic, long-term care facility, homeless shelter or prison
- You work in an occupation where you experience frequent contact with the public on a daily basis
Don’t wait, learn more about testing and find out where to get tested!
Marin County Hosts Youth Sports Webinar
Yesterday the County and Marin Recovers held a special webinar for youth sports organizations, clubs or providers to discuss ways to reduce COVID-19 infections among youth athletes and supporters.
Watch the recorded webinar on the County’s YouTube Channel to learn about the growing trend of COVID transmission amongst youth athletes in organized sports.