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Safety improvements in the Canal neighborhood

Posted on March 21, 2022


Voces del Canal partnered with the Dominican University to interview people in the Canal neighborhood to identify areas where safety improvements would help people feel safer.  The neighbors identified seven routes where folks do not feel safe waking at night, and they proposed adding additional lighting.  The team also interviewed people at a pop-up photo exhibit on Saturday February 26th to get additional feedback.  Dominican, Voces del Canal, and City staff, including Councilmember Maika, met on Wednesday, March 23, to review the interviews with the goal of finding themes on safety that are ripe for action.  Some of the themes include better lighting, safer places for children to play after dark, youth event programming, better infrastructure (sidewalks, crosswalks, bike paths, traffic calming), cameras, and better access to mental health services.  The combined Voces del Canal, Dominican, and City team will continue to work on these ideas with the goal of finding funds to implement the changes the community needs and deserves.  Stay tuned!



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