The City’s annual resurfacing project has commenced! The City’s contractor, Ghilotti Bros. Inc., has placed 5 lane miles of microsurfacing and 1,700 tons of asphalt. Micro-surfacing is a protective seal coat that is applied to asphalt in order to extend its life. All of this year’s micro-surfacing has been completed however, approximately 7,000 tons of asphalt remain to be placed – that’s almost 7 more lane miles! In addition to being resurfaced, these sections of roadway are getting new thermo-plastic lane markings, as well as, minor traffic-related improvements. For example, the bicycle lanes on Andersen Drive from Bellam Ave to the Central Marin Sanitation Agency treatment plant were re-striped and widened by a foot in each direction. Resurfacing will continue in the City through the end of November.