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Request for Proposals: Schoen Park Modifications & Rotary Manor Culvert Replacements Projects

Posted on September 5, 2019

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants for the preparation of contract documents for both the Schoen Park Modifications and Rotary Manor Culvert Replacement projects. It is the intent of the City to hire a qualified consultant who can facilitate environmental compliance and permitting clearance, design, and construction support services (at City’s option). The final product sought is construction contract documents including plans, specifications, and cost estimates ready for bid.

Project A: Schoen Park Modifications

Schoen Park is a small playground in the Canal community of San Rafael and is located along Spinnaker Point Drive. The Tiscornia Marsh project, initiated by the Marin Audubon Society, is proposing to restore the marsh and increase the height of the levee behind Schoen Park thus encroaching into the playground area. Additionally, lack of available parking in the canal area has been a public concern for many years. After considering the community’s needs and following extensive upgrades to playground equipment located at the nearby Pickleweed Park, the City has decided to repurpose the Schoen Park area. The Schoen Park Modifications project will remove the existing Schoen Park playground and create angled parking spaces in its place. The attached preferred design alternative shows a conceptual layout for use in the final design.

Project B: Rotary Manor Culvert Replacement Project

Rotary Manor, located on private property in the City’s Sun Valley neighborhood, includes a corrugated metal pipe culvert which has failed requiring rehabilitation and/or full removal and replacement. An optional pre-bid walk-through has been scheduled for Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 10 AM at 1821 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901. Please note that the project is in a steep wooded area, plan accordingly. The Consultant is hereby made aware that the two projects herein discussed are two separate City projects. Each project will require separate project deliverables, CEQA and regulatory permitting submittals, invoicing, etc.

Request for Proposals

Addendum No. 1

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