2025 Public Service Award Nominations are open! 


Tiscornia Marsh Restoration Project 

Marin Audubon Society & City of San Rafael

Building on the preliminary design produced by Environmental Science Associates (ESA) with a grant from the Marin Community Foundation, this phase of the Tiscornia Marsh Restoration and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Project will advance the design for restoring marsh habitat and improving the levee, connecting with community, improving a public trail, and completing environmental review.  The project design will include restoring an eroded section of the marsh, opening the diked marsh to tidal action, stabilizing and improving a section of degraded levee to increase flood protection for the community and providing transition zone habitat for wildlife and flood control. Through this project Tiscornia Marsh would be restored to its former extents by beneficially reusing dredged material from local sources.

The Tiscornia Marsh site covers 20 acres of tidal marsh and bay lands located north and outboard of East Canal Street. The property, partially owned by Marin Audubon Society, is adjacent to Pickleweed Park.

The City is the Lead Agency for the Environmental Impact Report. Click here for more info on this process. More visuals and videos can be found on this website hosted by Marin Audubon Society and the Multicultural Center of Marin.

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