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Regional and State Housing Information

ABAG’s Housing Website contains a variety of resources for housing planning and production in the Bay Area.

Final Regional Housing Needs Allocation Plan shows the final “fair share” housing assignments for the 9 counties and 101 cities in the Bay Area adopted by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Board in December 2021.

HCD Building Blocks is the guidance provided to local governments by the State of California for how to prepare a compliant Housing Element.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing State HCD Guidance was issued by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in April 2021 and provides direction for local governments on how to meet the Assembly Bill 686 mandate to “affirmatively further fair housing” through the Housing Element.

Housing Element Library is a “dashboard” managed by HCD showing the compliance status of every Housing Element in California. It also includes links to the housing elements of each city and county.

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