Racial Equity and Fair Housing

Marin County Analysis of Impediments. This is a federally mandated document that looks at impediments to fair housing in the County of Marin, including its incorporated cities. It is the starting point for conversations and strategies to affirmatively further fair housing and end housing discrimination.

Racial Equity Toolkit. This menu of strategies prepared by the Government Alliance on Race and Equity is intended to help cities advance racial equity and opportunity for all through their policies, programs, and operations.

Segregation Data for San Rafael. This is a one-page table from the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley showing the demographic distribution of San Rafael neighborhoods. The results may surprise you.

Race Counts. This is a link to the Race Counts Advancement Project, which includes data and policy assessments related to race and equity in California, including specific data on housing.

GARE Communications Guide. This publication of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity is aimed at helping local governments improve their communication and messaging on issues related to race and equity and overcome structural racism in their communities.

Trends in Wealth Holding by Race and Ethnicity. This article from the US Federal Reserve looks at disparities on wealth between White and non-White populations related to home ownership.

Paying an Unfair Price: LGBT People of Color. This article looks specifically at the systemic housing challenges of LGBT communities of color.

Bay Area Advancing Racial Equity. This is a PowerPoint presentation on how local governments in the Bay Area can advance racial equity in their language, services, and operations.

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