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Housing Element Update Process – Draft Documents

Links to earlier versions of the Housing Element are provided below, along with a timetable of activities:

On May 10, the City published an “Adoption Draft” 2023-2031 Housing Element for consideration by the City Council.  The Council adopted the document “as is” with no additional edits.    A clean copy and tracked change version appear below.

On April 20, the City published a Planning Commission “Adoption Draft” for consideration by the Planning Commission.  The Commission recommended that the Council adopt the document “as is” with no additional edits.  A clean copy and tracked change version appear below.

The Planning Commission and City Council action also included approval of an Addendum to the General Plan EIR, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  The Addendum evaluates the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Housing Element.  A link is provided below.

Addendum to General Plan EIR

Both the April and May versions of the Housing Element incorporated revisions to a “Working Draft” Housing Element published in November 2022 and revised in December 2022. The April and May revisions responded to findings by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in its review of the December Draft, as well as public comments.

Earlier versions of the Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element may be viewed below:

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