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Potential Changes to Land Use

Posted on February 14, 2020

General Plan 2040 Header
On Tuesday evening, the City Council will hold a public hearing to review proposed changes to the General Plan 2040 Land Use Map. The Land Use Map is used to determine how parts of the City are used (such as residential, commercial, industrial, etc.). These land uses are then used to determine property zoning. The City Council will invite public comments, and will be asked to provide preliminary feedback and direction to staff on the proposed map changes. The Land Use Map changes include a recommendation to introduce a new Downtown Mixed-Use land use designation. This land use designation will link the recommendations in the Downtown Precise Plan that is being prepared to accompany the General Plan 2040.  Further, to address climate change and adaptation, the Land Use Plan proposes to include an “overlay” of areas vulnerable to sea level rise (based on 2050 prediction).

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