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Polling Place Days/Hours Extended for the November 3, 2020 General Election

Posted on October 22, 2020

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all active registered voters were automatically sent a vote by mail ballot and the number of polling places was greatly reduced. Voting by mail protects you and the health of poll workers. However, if you must vote in person, go early to help reduce crowds and long lines. Masks and social distancing are required, along with other cleaning protocols which may also lead to longer wait times.

Who needs to vote in person?
Voters with special situations close to Election Day may need to vote in-person. For example, voters who did not register before the deadline, need translated voting materials, lost a ballot, or prefer an accessible voting device should go to their assigned polling place.

Can I still drop off my vote by mail ballot at my polling place?
Yes; you may drop off your voted ballot at any polling place during the extended 4-day schedule. However, to help reduce crowds and long lines, you may prefer to hand-deliver your voted ballot to one of many ballot drop boxes located throughout Marin County. A list of drop box locations is listed in your Voter Information Guide, or online at: marinvotes.org.

Call the Elections Department at (415) 473-6456 for help locating your polling place, or a nearby ballot drop box.

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