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Point San Pedro Road and Loch Lomond Drive – catch basin replacement for drainage improvements

Posted on January 25, 2022

MG Drainage Project catch basin on pt san pedro

The Department of Public Works is conducting a series of drainage projects in areas that were identified for flooding during heavy rainstorms. To this extent, the City’s contractor, Maggiora & Ghilotti, will be be replacing the catch basin located at the corner of Point San Pedro Road and Loch Lomond Drive. On Friday, February 4 there will be a partial road closure in the far right lane of Point San Pedro Road from 8 am to 5 pm. Please traverse with caution and follow all posted directional signals.

Please note: these dates and times are subject to change.

For any questions or inquiries, please contact Junior Engineer, Alysia Reyes at (415) 485-3408.

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