Play Structure Voting Results

Posted on March 1, 2019

survey results

Over the last couple of weeks, Theo Sanchez & Kevin McGowan of the Public Works Department have made presentations for the Pickleweed Advisory Board Committee and Parks & Recreation Commission to discuss the potential playground structures and gather additional feedback from the community. The Advisory Board and the Parks & Recreation Commission were both pleased with the proposed project for Pickleweed Park. Some residents and officials had mentioned concerns regarding shade and benches. These concerns were incorporated into the final layout of the project.

After gathering the opinions of the Advisory Board and Parks & Recreation Commission along with more than a 100 votes from the online survey, the playground structures have been selected. The results are as follows:

Area 1:  78% chose Option 1
Area1_ Option 1
Area 2: 42% selected Option 1 however, in order to fit all the new structures and swings within the concrete footprint, Option 2 was selected which received 35% of the vote.
Area2_ Option 2
 Area 3: 46% selected Option 2. In order to address the concerns of the residents, an upgraded version of Option 2 was selected for Area 3 which provides shade for the 2-5 year old children playing on this structure.
Area3_ Upgraded Option 2


The city will move forward with purchasing the playground equipment and the installation. Stay tuned for more Pickleweed Park updates!

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