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PG&E Unveils Safety Action Center for Customers, Families and Communities

Posted on August 7, 2019

Safety Action Center

New Online Site Offers Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Advice

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—We’ve all heard the phrase that it’s better to be safe than sorry. And Ben Franklin wisely opined that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And a poster proclaiming “Safety doesn’t happen by accident” can be found in almost every workplace.

In that spirit, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has launched its new online Safety Action Center.

What is it? Think of it as your one-stop source for making sure that you, your family, your neighborhood and even your pets are prepared before a wildfire or another emergency. And the great thing about the new Safety Action Center is that it’s very consumable with small tasks, safety tips, how-to videos, preparedness activities and much more. Add up those small tasks and to do’s together and you end up with greater preparation, education and resilience.

Here’s what you can do when you visit the Safety Action Center:

  • Share the valuable information on the site and help your family and neighbors take the first steps toward being prepared for emergencies.
  • Sign up to be notified when there are new features on the site.
  • Pledge to help your more vulnerable neighbors during emergencies.
  • Record a video of your pet showing how you’re getting them ready for a quick escape in case of emergency and what you’re packing in your pet’s emergency kit.
  • Take the quiz to make sure you have what you need in your emergency kit and download the handy checklist to help you to include what you’ll need.
  • Learn how to open your garage door manually in case the power is shut off for safety or if there is an emergency outage.
  • Map out an escape plan for you and your family and practice it at home.
  • Use the 12 tips for creating defensible space around your home to help keep fires away.
  • Update your contact information so PG&E can reach you if a Public Safety Power Shutoff might impact your neighborhood.
  • Share the link with your neighbors, family, friends, community groups, PTA, softball team, and anyone who should learn how to prepare for wildfires and other emergencies. And that’s everyone! The link is

“The Safety Action Center can help everyone get started on their safety journey by taking an important first step,” said Sumeet Singh, PG&E Vice President of the Community Wildfire Safety Program. “With videos, interactive features and checklists, the site is a one-stop shop for wildfire and emergency preparedness and critical safety information.”

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