A second round of parking clarifications in the Gerstle Park, Fair Hills, and West End Neighborhoods are scheduled to be installed in February to help improve emergency access and egress. After the installation of new signage last year, there was an adjustment period where staff worked closely with residents in these neighborhoods to make any necessary small changes. The clarifications set for installation this February will include further adjustments to signage, painted parking boxes and red curbs in all three neighborhoods plus new clarifications in the Dominican neighborhood. Painted curbs, new signage, and parking boxes help offer a clear indication of where it is safe to park and still allow safe resident emergency evacuation and access for emergency vehicles.
The recently updated plans for parking clarifications in the Dominican neighborhood are being reviewed carefully for any additional necessary updates before installation begins in February. Staff will continue to be in the Dominican neighborhood with the contractor throughout January and February while surveying streets, marking installation locations, and fine-tuning work orders to ensure an accurate installation.
This safe parking project will lead to more legal parking, safer roadways for residents and emergency vehicles, and safer pedestrian and bicycle use. The City of San Rafael is committed to implementing these important safety measures as soon as possible.
The pilot project for the Safe Parking Program was completed in September 2021 in the San Rafael/Lincoln Hill neighborhood. The focus for 2022-2023 includes the Dominican, Gerstle Park, Fair Hills, and West End neighborhoods. As part of our expanded outreach efforts, staff have mailed letters to residents, been in direct contact with Homeowners Association and Neighborhoods Association leaders, held community meetings, and met with multiple resident groups on-site to discuss and consider alterations to the markings and plan. The City appreciates the community support and commitment to public safety as we have navigated this important project.
To learn more about this essential community safety program, please visit: