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Northgate Mall Redevelopment: City Council Hearing Will Be Held on December 2nd

Posted on November 27, 2024

Northgate Town Square Frontage View



On December 2, 2024 the City Council will hold public hearing to consider and possibly take an action on (1) A Resolution of the City of San Rafael City Council certifying an Environmental Impact Report, ( 2) An ordinance of the City of San Rafael City Council making findings of fact to adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Northgate Town Square Project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and adopting a Zoning Amendment (ZC21-001) to establish the Northgate Town Square Planned Development (PD) District, approve the Northgate Town Square Development Plan, and rezone the 44.76 acre Northgate Mall Property from General Commercial to the Northgate PD District consistent with the San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 14.07 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) and Section 14.27.060 to facilitate the phased redevelopment of the Northgate Mall into a mixed use development inclusive of commercial, residential and publicly accessible common space, (3) A Resolution of the City of San Rafael City Council conditionally approving a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map (TS21-002), Master Use Permit (UP21-007), Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED21-024), and Master Sign Program (SP24-002) to allow for redevelopment of the Northgate Mall to create a mixed use, pedestrian orientated development with interconnectivity to surrounding commercial and residential uses for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Northgate Mall at 5800 Northgate Drive into a new, phased mixed-use development with approximately 217,520 square feet of commercial uses and 1,422 residential units on the 44.76-acre site.

If the City Councils waives first reading and refers the Ordinance to second reading five days prior to December 16, 2024, a second reading of the Ordinance will be held on December 16, 2024 on the Consent Calendar.

You can find the City Council Agenda Packet here.

APNs: 175-060-12, -40, -59, -61, -66 & -67
General Plan – Community Commercial Mixed Use;
Zoning – General Commercial (GC)
Owner/Applicant: Merlone Geier Partners

Project requests Rezone to the Planned Development (PD) zone, Master Use Permit, Environmental and Design Review Permit, Density Bonus, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and Master Sign Program.

The project was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission to the City Council by the following votes on October 29, 2024:

Resolution #24-06: Motion: Commissioner Mercado, Seconded by Commissioner Rodby, vote: 4-1

Resolution #24-07: Motion: Commissioner Mercado, Seconded by Commissioner Saude, vote: 4-1

Resolution #24-08: Motion: Commissioner Saude, Seconded by Commissioner Mercado, vote: 4-1 with modifications to the draft conditions of approval.

File Nos: PLAN21-039. ZC21-001, UP21-007, ED21-024, TS21-002, IS21-002 & DA21-001

DATES/TIMES: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.
Monday, December 16, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.

LOCATION FOR BOTH MEETINGS: City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901

An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared for this project. Consideration of the EIR is part of this project at the public hearings.

December 2, 2024: To hold a public hearing to consider the comprehensive redevelopment of the Northgate Mall to create a phased mixed-use development with approximately 217,520 square feet of commercial uses and 1,422 residential units on the 44.76-acre site at 5800 Northgate Drive.

December 16, 2024: If the City Councils waives first reading and refers the adoption of a Zoning Amendment (ZC21-001) to establish the Northgate Town Square Planned Development (PD) District, approve the Northgate Town Square Development Plan, and rezone the 44.76 acre Northgate Mall Property from General Commercial to the Northgate PD District consistent with the San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 14.07 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) to second reading five days prior to December 16, 2024, a second reading of the Ordinance will be held on December 16, 2024 on the Consent Calendar.

December 2, 2024: The City Council will receive presentations from staff and the applicant. They will also hold a public hearing to gather oral or written comments from the public. The City Council will then close the public hearing, deliberate on the project and possibly take one or all of the actions described above.

December 16, 2024: As the project includes an ordinance, a second reading of the project is required pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code Section 14.29.

You may submit written comments regarding the proposed item by 4:00 p.m. the day of the hearing to Lindsay Lara, City Clerk, City of San Rafael, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901, or by email to You can also hand deliver a letter prior to the public hearing. The City Clerk’s office will forward your comments to the City Council and publish correspondence received to the agenda online. Comments received after 4:00 p.m. will be forwarded to the City Council and posted online the following day.

For additional information regarding the above, you can contact April Talley, Northgate Project Manager for the City of San Rafael at 415-485-3050 or Or you can visit the project website at Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. You can also view the staff report after 4:00 p.m. on the Friday before the meeting at

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