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News Release: San Rafael Public Libraries to Receive $2 Million in State Building Forward Grants

Posted on September 15, 2022


September 15, 2022

Catherine Quffa
Library & Recreation Director
(415) 485-3078

Henry Bankhead
Assistant Library & Recreation Director/City Librarian
(415) 485-3436


San Rafael Public Libraries to Receive $2 Million in State Building Forward Grants

The California State Library recently announced that the San Rafael Public Libraries have been selected to receive two $1,000,000 grants through the State’s Building Forward Grant program.

One grant will help to address critical infrastructure and life safety improvements at the Downtown Main Library, including replacing the aging roof, updating the HVAC systems, and improving restroom facilities. The second grant will support an interior expansion of the Pickleweed Branch to improve the operations of this popular neighborhood library.

“We are honored to have been selected by the California State Library to receive two Building Forward Grants,” said Mayor Kate Colin. “The City is committed to providing innovative, modern library services and this significant investment in our infrastructure will support us in achieving that goal.”

“The public library, and the free and equitable access to information it provides, is the foundation of democracy. The Building Forward grants will help ensure our facilities are safe and accessible  for all members of our community,” said Assistant Library and Recreation Director/City Librarian, Henry Bankhead.

The Building Forward Grant Program is the single largest investment in California’s public libraries in over 20 years, with $439 million in one-time funds to address life-safety and critical maintenance needs of public library facilities throughout California, with special priority for high poverty areas of the state.

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