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5/25/18 – May Update: Street Resurfacing

Posted on May 25, 2018

Street Resurfacing

The City has begun its annual street resurfacing project this week. Several streets have already undergone a full grind and contractors began the asphalt overlay. In total, this year’s project will include resurfacing of 4 miles of roadway and the installation of 13 ADA-compliant curb ramps. The project is funded through Gas tax revenues and the local Measure A Transportation Sales Tax.

Last week the following streets were paved:

No. Street Name Treatment Type Begin End
16. Allen Court Full Width Grind and Overlay Forbes Av End
19. Elkin Court Full Width Grind and Overlay Santa Margarita Dr End
23. Maywood Way Full Width Grind and Overlay One Way Loop One Way Loop


Next week contractors will pave:

No. Street Name Treatment Type Begin End
1. Bret Harte Road Full Width Grind and Overlay City Limit Altura Way
2. Altura Way Overlay City Limit Bret Harte Road
3. Bret Harte Lane Overlay Bret Harte Road Bret Harte Road
4. M’Liss Lane Full Width Grind and Overlay Bret Harte Road End


For more on which roads will be resurfaced in this year’s project, check out the April 16, 2018 staff report in which the contract for this year was awarded.

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