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Marin County Launches PulsePoint App

Posted on February 20, 2020


Marin County, CA – A new application for mobile devices now available in Marin County is designed to provide the public with real-time fire agency incident information and to locate CPR-trained people near someone in cardiac arrest.

The free PulsePoint app, available on the App Store and Google Play, recently expanded its geographic scope so that Marin residents will have access to real-time fire incident information, and local bystanders in Marin can be alerted to administer cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if needed. When pre-selected, alerts are sent to participating residents only when an emergency occurs in a public place.

Marin County Fire Chiefs Association logoThe app was introduced Friday, February 14, and adopted into use by all Marin fire agencies, the Marin County Emergency Medical Services Agency (Marin EMS), and the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). PulsePoint is fully endorsed and paid for by the Marin County Fire Chiefs Association, led by Novato Fire Chief Bill Tyler.

PulsePoint users can preselect which types of incidents to follow or know instantly what is going on when fire engine or ambulance sirens are sounding in their neighborhood. The app is available in English, Spanish, French and Japanese.

“PulsePoint is proving every day that social media can save lives, and we are thankful it’s now available in Marin,” Tyler said. “In addition, it can be used as a tool for wildfire and other fire incident notification to keep the public better informed about emergencies in our county.”

See the full press release at marincounty.org.

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