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Marin Academy Aquatic Center

APN: 011-195-05 and 011-201-07
Address: 1530 and 1534 Fifth Ave.
Project Numbers: UP19-005 and ED19-006

Mike Joyce for Marin Academy

(415) 482-3213

Staff Contact:

Renee Nickenig, Assistant Planner

(415) 485-3397

overview photo

Project Description

Marin Academy proposes to replace and relocate an existing aquatic center with a new 25-yard x 33-meter uncovered swimming pool, a two-story, 2,256 sq. ft. support building (restrooms, indoor and outdoor showers, changing and office areas, mechanical equipment and chemical storage areas), concrete decking, site lighting and landscaping, perimeter metal fencing and courtyard walls, bleacher seating, public address (PA) system and LED-illuminated scoreboard on two adjacent Downtown parcels with a combined lot area of 18,737 sq. ft.

Current Status

The Planning conditions of approval have been fulfilled and the project is undergoing final inspection.

On July 21, 2020, the Design Review Board (Board) reviewed the proposed project and unanimously (2-0 vote) recommended approval of the site and building design, subject to the following consensus comments:

  • Replace the chain link fencing with the higher-quality metal picket fencing throughout the project;
  • Re-evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed planting palette, particularly the use and/or location of the California Gray Rush;
  • Re-evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed location of the proposed new trees for conflict with the proposed drainage improvements and street trees;
  • Explore providing a greater and better ‘vine pocket’ planting area at the base of the retaining wall along the east elevation by off-setting or recessing the footings. Include a section of the retaining wall in the plans;
  • Improve the radii of the curb cut for the vehicle pull-off area along the Mission Ave. frontage and widen the sidewalk behind the west curb cut; and
  • Include screening of the proposed backflow/mechanical equipment area along the Fifth Ave. frontage.

Please note that, due to a Policy Statement adopted by the City Manager on April 1, 2020 (Exhibit 7; Planning Commission staff report), Board meetings are currently held as a smaller, 2-member subcommittee without notice or public comments and no video of the July 21, 2020 Board meeting is available.

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