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Lot Line Adjustments and Lot Consolidations

All requests to adjust or consolidate a lot line(s) between or among four (4) or fewer existing, legal and adjacent record lots of land (aka, parcels or lots) shall require the filing of an application with the Department of Community Development. The application shall be filed by the property owner(s) or representatives of the property owner(s), as follows:

Step 1 – Initial Application Submittal Requirements

  • General Application form signed by the property owner(s) and stating the purpose of the adjustment or consolidation P Preliminary Title Report(s) prepared within the last six months for each property or properties that will be affected by the proposed lot line adjustment or consolidation of lot lines
  • Site Plan (five (5) copies), prepared by a competent professional for the proposed adjustment and/or consolidation clearly identifying and distinguishing existing and proposed lot lines, with bearings and distances, at a minimum scale of 1”=40’, and containing the following minimum information:
    • Vicinity map showing roads, major creeks and other data sufficient to locate the proposed Lot Line Adjustment/Consolidation property
    • Title block, with North arrow and scale, date of preparation of the map, name and address of legal owner(s), and person preparing the map
    • Areas of the original parcels and of the adjusted parcels · Assessor’s parcel numbers on all parcels affected by the proposed Lot Line Adjustment
    • Existing and proposed boundary lines, dimensions · Existing buildings and improvements, if any
    • Proposed improvements and grading, if any
    • Existing topography of the subject property, including but not limited to the contours of the land at intervals of 2 feet (lesser contour intervals as may be approved by the Community Development Department Director). Contours shall be indicated on contiguous property for a distance of 200 feet. Every fifth contour shall be a heavier weight line.
    • Building sites on new lots. If additions to structures or new structures are proposed show a schematic building design to demonstrate that the site can be developed according to City standards (height, setbacks, parking, etc.).
    • Access to public streets.
    • Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed frontage improvements, easements, streets, roads, and rights-of-way, distances between structures, and distances between structures and boundary lines of both the original parcel boundaries and the adjusted parcel boundaries
    • Approximate location of all watercourses, 100-year floodplain, streams, rivers, drainage channels
    • Average slope hillside calculation for properties that are within designated hillside areas or that contain slopes of twenty-five percent (25%) or greater.
    • Any trees in the building sites which are over 6" in diameter at 4½-ft. above grade.
  • Preliminary Plat Map(s), Legal Description(s) and Closure Calculation(s) (three (3) copies), that will accompany the deed(s) to be recorded for each of the proposed new parcels.
  • Site Photographs, as needed to show the property context P Processing Fee (please check with a planner regarding exact amount)

Step 2 – Processing Requirements

Upon receipt of all required application submittal materials (plans, information and fees), the project will be assigned to a staff Planner and referred to the Department of Public Works, Building Division and Marin County Assessors offices for review and comment. Generally, within 30 to 60 days the applicant will be informed of any additional information, revisions or conditions required for the proposed lot line adjustment or consolidation request to be approved. City staff will review the proposal to determine whether the lot line adjustment or consolidation would comply with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, Zoning and/or Building Regulations.

Note for processing with other zoning applications: If the lot line adjustment or consolidation request is being requested with related zoning entitlements, then Step 3 and Step 4 shall be incorporated as conditions of approval of the associated entitlements.

Step 3 – Final Submittal Requirements

If it is determined that the lot line adjustment or consolidation would comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, Zoning and Building Regulations, the Planner will submit a request that the applicant prepare and submit the following final documents, within 30 days, to be forwarded to the City Engineer and Community Development Director for final review and approval:

  • Final Grant Deeds, with Plat Maps and Legal Descriptions (one (1) copy), for each resulting property shall be submitted in the format required for recording the document with the Marin County Recorder.

Step 4 – Recordation Requirements

Once the final deed documents with all exhibits have been approved by the City, the property owner(s) shall record the legal documents with the County Recorder either within one (1) year, or prior to pursuing any site improvements that would rely on the adjusted property configuration; whichever occurs first.

revised 11.2013

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