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Rossi Stormwater Pump Station Rehabilitation (2)

Posted on September 17, 2016


540 Francisco Boulevard East, San Rafael, CA, United States

San Rafael




Phone: (415) 485-3355

Hours: Open Weekdays; 8:00am-5:00pm

Rossi Stormwater Pump Station Rehabilitation

Project Description: This project includes reconstruction of the pump station to ensure that the stormwater pump station operates efficiently and effectively. The existing structure (concrete and supporting steel beams) and equipment (pumps, piping, brackets, electrical, fencing, and railings) will be replaced. The concrete wall will be removed and sidewalk will be widened. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk will be replaced around the facility.

Project Status: Valentine Corporation has been awarded the project. It is anticipated that construction will last approximately seven months.

Construction Contract: Valentine Corporation

Project Contact: Stephanie Gindlesperger, Department of Public Works

Project Begins: May 2016                   Project Duration: Approximately 7 months

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