Tamalpais Avenue
San Rafael
94901Construction contract awarded to: Ghilotti Bros
Project contact: Hunter Young, Department of Public Works
Project Began: February, 2014
Project Description: This project will prepare downtown San Rafael for upcoming rail operations. Specific improvements include:
- Install traffic signal interconnect and as well as fiber optic cables to increase the reliance and speed at which the traffic signal controllers communicate
- Upgrade traffic signal controllers and cabinets to allow cross communication between traffic signal controllers and rail signal controllers
- Install Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps
- Install count-down pedestrian signal heads at signalized intersections
- Widen the sidewalk on Hetherton Street between 4th Street and 3rd Street
Project Status: The City has awarded the construction contract to Ghilotti Bros, Inc. Construction is underway and slated to be complete in July 2017
Limit of Work: Mission Ave to Second St (north to south) and Irwin St to Lincoln Ave (east to west)