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Labor Negotiations – June 18, 2018 City Council Meeting

Posted on June 14, 2018

State law requires public employers to negotiate employment agreements with employees. We have approximately 400 full-time employees, most all of which are members of some form of a bargaining group, from the various public safety groups to non-safety groups which include positions such as engineers, street maintenance workers, and librarians. Negotiations between the City and these groups determine conditions of employment, such as wages, working hours, and benefits. Once each bargaining group reaches a tentative agreement with the City, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or resolution that lasts for a set period is prepared. At Monday night’s meeting, the City Council will discuss MOUs/resolutions from various labor groups. At the Council’s direction, the MOUs/resolutions would then be brought back for final consideration in July.  

View the staff reports for labor negotiations with the following bargaining groups:

  • Western Council of Engineers
  • SEIU Local 1021
  • Executive Management Employees
  • Unrepresented Mid-Management Employees
  • Elected City Clerk and Elected Part-Time City Attorney

For more information on labor negotiations, visit our website.

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