2025 Public Service Award Nominations are open! 


Jack Brandon

Posted on December 8, 2016

While some city departments have the luxury of being able to close their doors over their holidays, the San Rafael Police Department (SRPD) is one of those that must have a constant presence round-the-clock, 365 days a year. Without volunteers, this mandate would be even more challenging than it already is. Jack Brandon has been an asset to the department and is known for his friendly and outgoing nature.

Describe your volunteer activity with San Rafael?

I have two jobs at SRPD: I serve witness subpoenas (orders from the Marin County District Attorney’s office to appear in court as a witness) to civilians in San Rafael. I also check the homes of vacationing residents for security and signs of illegal entry and/or damage.

How long have you been a volunteer for the City?

I started in June 2010 and I usually volunteer between 2 to 4 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. When I applied to volunteer for the SRPD I had to pass a complete six-week law enforcement background check. Many old friends, relatives, bosses, co-workers, etc. from around the country were calling me with, “Hey Jack, the San Rafael Police just called with some very interesting questions about you. What’s going on?”

Why did you choose to volunteer with the police department?

Just after I retired in 2009 I heard the SRPD used volunteers for certain programs and thought it would be a good thing to do with my spare time.

What do you enjoy most about your volunteer work?

Getting to know and help the amazing people, both in uniform and behind the scenes, of the San Rafael Police Department.

What accomplishment are you most proud of as a volunteer?

I am now the only police representative serving subpoenas to civilian witnesses in San Rafael. I have always felt an obligation to represent the SRPD with a big smile and friendly attitude when delivering subpoenas, (this including treats for dogs and high-fives for kids) to citizens, some of whom would rather not receive them.

What other volunteer activities do you do?

I also volunteer with Experience Corps 4-5 hours a week as a teacher’s assistant in a first grade class at Sun Valley School here in San Rafael.

What do you suggest to those considering volunteering with the City?

Be sure to talk with at least 3 other people involved in the program you’re considering, before volunteering for anything, especially if it’s a long-term commitment.

Describe in one to three words your experience as a volunteer?

Proud to serve!

San Rafael Police Chief Diana Bishop shares this: “Jack has been a valuable volunteer at SRPD for almost seven years. His is a positive person and has a great personality. That personality allows him to be successful in his subpoena duties. We appreciate all he does.”

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