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Report Issue: Illegal Dumping

Report Illegal Dumping on Freeway, Highway, On-Ramp/Off-Ramp

To report illegal dumping on the freeway, highway on-ramps and off-ramps, and underneath the freeway, you will need to contact the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). They are a statewide agency that maintains all highways and freeways in California.

Report Illegal Dumping on Public or Private Property

The City of San Rafael is now using SeeClickFix for service requests.

To report illegal dumping:

  1. Visit the SeeClickFix Illegal Dumping reporting form
  2. Identify the location of the issue on the map
  3. Add a photo or take a photo with your device
  4. Fill out required information on the form
  5. A member of our team will acknowledge and respond to the request

If your property was dumped on and you have evidence about the suspect, please file a Illegal Dumping report using the San Rafael Police Department’s (SRPD) Online Reporting Tool.

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