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Report Issue: Graffiti

Reporting Freeway, Highway, On-Ramp/Off-Ramp Graffiti

To report graffiti on the freeway, highway on-ramps and off-ramps, and underneath the freeway, you will need to contact the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). They are a statewide agency that maintains all highways and freeways in California.

Reporting Graffiti on Public/Private Property

The City of San Rafael is now using SeeClickFix for service requests.

To report graffiti:

  1. Visit the SeeClickFix Graffiti reporting form
  2. Identify the location of the graffiti on the map
  3. Add a photo or take a photo if one is available
  4. Fill out required information on the form
  5. A member of our team will acknowledge and respond to the request

The City does not remove graffiti on private property, removal is the responsibility of the property owner. A notice to correct will be sent to property owner upon notification of graffiti on private property.

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