The City continues to work with the businesses around Albert Park area as there were a high rate of calls to the police department and concerns by local residents. Recently Mayor Phillips and City staff met with Safeway and 7-Eleven to discuss solutions. In addition, the City has made some changes around the B Street Community Center and Albert Park.
Safeway: Safeway had already employed a security guard inside of the store but they agreed to add a second security guard for the exterior of the store. They are also going to improve their efforts on loss prevention. They will post signs for ‘no loitering’ when the store is open and ‘no trespassing’ when the store is closed. They will work in conjunction with San Rafael Police Department on enforcement. They are also going to add garbage containers. In addition, they are seeking approval from their corporate office to add security cameras on the exterior of the building. They were very complimentary that the Police Department responds quickly when called to their store.
7-Eleven: The store is going to explore terminating the sales of malt liquors, alcopops, and single cigars; improving their noticing about no loitering; removing the pay phone; and additional security cameras. We agreed to reconvene soon to discuss progress on these issues.
Albert Park: Recently the City made the decision to provide some private security patrols around the B Street Community Center as well as Albert Park. The first two weeks of private security patrols has provided positive results. Daily reports indicate a steady decline of overnight activity and camping around the Community Center. This has markedly reduced the trash and debris on site and eliminated the need to address decontamination issues mornings when staff opens the facility for use. Adjacent Albert Park is also experiencing less vandalism and behavioral issues. There is an improved environment for everyone due to the security patrols at night, increased maintenance of the portable restroom and relocation of the electrical outlets at the baseball stadium. Little League Opening Day will bring hundreds of children and adults to the park the end of March.