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Harbor Bridge Project delayed

Posted on December 6, 2021

Caltrans has been working round the clock to complete the 101 Central San Rafael Offramp project, the main exit from the south into San Rafael.  Caltrans has completed half of the new structure and vehicles entering the City now have three full lanes to gain access.  For much of the summer, there was only two lanes and there was often a significant backup getting into the City. The work is complex and much is happening during night time hours.  Caltrans also must comply with several regulatory agencies as it completes the project, especially because they are working in a waterway.  Unfortunately, the project ran into the current rainy season and all work in the water must stop till next June.  Caltrans was unable to finish the “in-water” work prior to the deadline so they will not be able to complete the bridge until next summer.  They will continue to work on the banks and on the remainder of the project over this winter and spring.

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