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Great outlook for Transportation Funds in 2022

Posted on October 3, 2022

The Department of Public Works has applied for several Regional, State, and Federal
grants in 2022 which creates the opportunity for the City to possibly receive over 20
million dollars of funding! These grants can help offset the cost of construction and
maintenance of the City’s aging infrastructure including construction of major
improvements and large-scale rehabilitation projects.

The Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk Improvement Project and the Third Street
Rehabilitation Project are examples of projects that received millions of dollars in grant
funding from both the Federal Government and Regional sources.

The table below provides a breakdown of the City grant applications submitted this year,
with the Lincoln Avenue, Freitas Parkway and Del Presidio Intersection and Second Street
Improvements projects qualifying for the most grant funding. Additionally, the Canal area
is likely to receive about seven million dollars in planning and improvement funds.

Regional, State and Federal funds are essential to the City’s transportation
infrastructure. With the new federal transportation act, several funds were made
available for local agencies. These funds are highly competitive and require
creativity in adjusting the scope of the project to meet grants requirements. The
City of San Rafael is always seeking these funding opportunities to leverage
local funds and maximize the benefit for our local community.”
– Rafat Raie, Deputy Director of Public Works/Traffic Engineer


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