Work Completed In Past Two Weeks
The major items of work completed include the concrete pile foundations and abutments for the new bridge on the west side of Las Gallinas (see attached photo of rebar for bridge abutment). The Contractor removed the old ‘pork-chop’ island on the southwest corner (i.e., Arbor Park corner) where the traffic signal pole once stood, and installed new asphalt pavement. Additional asphalt paving work has been completed in the newly widened left turn pocket for westbound traffic on Freitas. Lastly, the electrical contractor installed concrete foundations for all of the new traffic signal poles.
Next Steps
Beginning the week of August 28th, the Contractor will begin bridge work on the east side of Las Gallinas. The nature of this work will be identical to that recently completed on the west side, namely installation of new pile foundations and abutments. We expect this work to last about 2-3 weeks.
When the east bridge deck is closed, the crosswalk crossing Freitas will be relocated back to the west side of the intersection. Please follow all construction signage, as well as the traffic signal indications, to safely cross all streets. With several schools beginning classes, the City is requiring the Contractor to limit lane closures to between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM. The goal is to allow for better circulation through the intersection in the morning for school drop off. Please be advised that lane closures cannot be completely avoided in the afternoon in order to allow construction to progress.
We appreciate your patience during construction and request that you allow for additional time to travel through this busy location. If and when possible, please consider taking alternate routes to avoid this intersection, especially during commute times. If I can be of assistance to you, please let me know. Thank you.