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Fire Defense in 2018 with Measure A

Posted on February 27, 2018

SRFD Measure A 2018


San Rafael Fire Department’s Vegetation Management Division is partnered with Department of Public Works to keep the open spaces of San Rafael safe from fire risk and danger. One of the main ways these large open spaces are kept clean for the wildfire season is with goats.
Goat grazing for fire protection

These four legged grazing machines are used to keep seasonal grasses and dead vegetation down to below the 3″ standard. This standard is held to all our Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) properties and homes. The low grasses hinder the fire’s ability to spread rapidly and into surrounding brush and trees.

The Vegetation Management Division of the Fire Department is also working around the City of San Rafael to manage the WUI by sending notices to residents and visiting properties that request a Hazard Assessment to help get prepared for wildfires.

WUI Homes

The goal is to provide outreach to the citizens of San Rafael and better prepare the city for limited spread in the event of a wildland fire. The Vegetation Management Division is currently visiting HOAs around the city giving presentations on defensible space. 

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