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FAQ Tag: finance

Do I need to provide proof of insurance for my business license?

Applicants conducting film shoots in San Rafael should provide a certificate for their commercial general liability policy (with endorsement naming City of San Rafael as additional insured) in the amount of $1 million per occurrence, $2 million aggregate.

I saw an assessment on my property tax bill. What is it for?

There are a number of special assessments from the City of San Rafael that might appear on your property tax bill. Common assessments are: Library parcel tax imposed by Measure D to maintain San Rafael Public Library services Paramedic tax imposed by ballot measure to maintain rapid emergency response times Clean stormwater activity fee imposed … Continued

How do I claim exemption from hotel tax?

Hotel guests claiming exemption by reason of a stay exceeding thirty (30) days shall claim exemption on a standard City form, under penalty of perjury. Transients claiming exemption by reason of employment as an officer or employee of (1) the U.S. federal government or its instruments (such as federal credit unions or the Red Cross) or … Continued

Who is exempt from hotel tax?

Hotel guests staying more than thirty (30) days. Officers and employees of the U.S. federal government and its instruments (including federal credit unions and the Red Cross), in the course and scope of their employment. Officers and employees of foreign governments, where exempted by express provision of federal law or international treaty. Transient_Occupancy_Tax_Exemption_Claim

How can I print a copy of my business license?

Please email BLRenewal@cityofsanrafael.org or call 415-485-3051 and we would be happy to email a copy of the certificate. You may also come into City Hall to have one printed, for a $10 fee.

What is a business license?

A business license is a tax for doing business. The San Rafael Municipal Code requires that you obtain a license to conduct business within the city limits of San Rafael, even if your physical office is located outside city limits. A business license is not a permit. It is not evidence that the holder is … Continued

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