Movies in the Park: Rookie of the Year at Albert Park
SepSeptember 7 2018

Mark your calendar! Four great movies are coming to a park near you. The City’s Community Services department invites you to enjoy these FREE movies under the stars. Bring your friends and family, your blanket, low chair, picnic, snacks, and flashlight. Silbermann’s Ice Cream and Kona Ice will be on site with goodies available for purchase.
For more information, please contact Community Services directly at (415) 485-3333 or visit their website.
Here’s the schedule for this summer’s Movies in the Park:
Rookie of the Year, Albert Park Stadium
- September 7th at 7:45 p.m.
- Rated PG
Wall-E, Terra Linda Park
- September 14th at 7:30 p.m.
- Rated G
Coco (en español), Pickleweed Park
- October 5th at 7 p.m.
- Rated PG