Watch the City Council meeting on YouTube at 6:00 p.m.


Climate Action Plan Quarterly Implementation Forum

JanJanuary 17 2019

4:00pm - 6:00pm City Hall, 3rd Floor

1400 Fifth Ave., San Rafael, California 94901

Join Councilmember Colin, City staff, and local citizens dedicated to making San Rafael a sustainable city as we review progress and explore opportunities and challenges to implementing our local Climate Action Plan. Warning: these quarterly meetings can be inspirational!

January’s Agenda:

1. CCAP Update: When it will be adopted? What is in store for the first 2 years of implementation?
Presentation: City Staff
2. Resilient Neighborhoods: Beyond Individual Action: RN’s Multiplier Effect.
Presentation: Tamra Peters
3. The Electrification of Everything: What it Means for Marin.
Discussion: Alice Zanmiller, County of Marin and Andrea Schumer, PG&E
4. The EV Roadmap: What Do We Need to Do to Dramatically Increase EV Ownership?
Discussion: Carleen Cullen, Drive Clean Marin and Derek McGill, TAM
5. Student Action at the State Level: iMatter Youth
Presentation: MSEL Students
6. City Updates and General Announcements

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