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BayWAVE Sea Level Rise Public Meeting

AprApril 19 2017

7:00pm - 9:00pm Albert J. Boro Community Center

50 Canal Street, San Rafael, CA 94901

street flooding

How vulnerable is Marin to sea level rise?
Join us for a community meeting about the Vulnerability Assessment for Marin’s bay shoreline.

What to expect:
Overview of the new report on future sea level rise
Play the award-winning Game of Floods
Learn how to get involved and become part of the solution

Three meeting dates:
• Thursday, April 19th from 7-9 p.m. at the Al Boro Community Center at Pickleweed Park in San Rafael
• Tuesday, April 25th from 7-9 p.m. at the Mill Valley Community Center
• Saturday, April 29th from 10-12 noon at Novato City Hall

Visit for information and to sign up for emails about the project. 30 day comment period on the Vulnerability Assessment will close on May 29.

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