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Employee Labor Agreements: San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association, San Rafael Police Mid-Managers’ Association, and Executive Management – October 15, 2018 City Council Meeting

Posted on October 11, 2018

Employee Luncheon

Over the past several meetings, the City Council has discussed and approved several employee labor agreements with various bargaining groups. At Monday night’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the unrepresented Executive Management employees, as well as discuss proposed MOUs with the San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association and the San Rafael Police Mid-Managers’ Association. Additional information regarding labor relations can be found on our website.

For more information, read the full staff report for each employee bargaining group:

  • Unrepresented Executive Management employees
  • San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association
  • San Rafael Police Mid-Managers’ Association
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