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Emergency Update: Tier Assessment, Schools, Businesses, & More

Posted on October 21, 2020

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Marin County has been in Tier 2 (red status) for five weeks and has met the Tier 3 (orange status) threshold for seven consecutive days. If Marin County maintains this threshold of low testing positivity and cases for 14 consecutive days, we are eligible to move to Tier 3.

If the State approves Marin’s move on October 27, further business reopenings can move forward, including increased indoor capacity at retail, restaurant, entertainment and other industries. Help ensure that we move into the next phase of reopening by continuing to wear a mask and practicing physical distancing and good hygiene.

Based on the State’s weekly update on the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, Marin remains in Tier 2 (red status) for a fifth straight week. Current data for Marin includes:

  • Testing Positivity: 1.6% (increase of 0.1% since last assessment)
  • Adjusted Case Rate: 3.1 (decrease of 0.9 since last assessment)
  • Health Equity Quartile Test Positivity Rate: 2.8% (increase of 0.1%)

Watch the next weekly assessment live on the State’s YouTube Channel.

Resources for Schools Reopening

The County of Marin worked closely with Marin County Office of Education and private schools to create a new online handbook and school status dashboard to help guide students and families through the return-to-classroom process from a public health standpoint. It covers topics such as daily home symptom screenings, school arrivals and departures, guidance for health and hygiene practices, the role of the school health office, protocols for returning to school after a student shows symptoms, and attendance policies.

Community Town Hall: A Safer Return to School 

On Thursday, the County of Marin will be hosting a Community Conversation to discuss protocols and best practices for returning to in-classroom learning including new resources for parents and guardians to ensure a safe return to the classroom.

WHEN: Thursday, October 22, 2020, 5:00PM – 6:00PM


Watch/Listen via or call (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 956 2661 1169
Password: 074775

Watch live via FacebookCounty of Marin Facebook

Submit Questions in Advance

More COVID-19 Testing Options Available

COVID-19 testing options have expanded to include additional options through medical providersself-referral sites and at-home testing options.

While many people with COVID-19 have mild or no symptoms, it is still possible that they could be infected and pass the disease to friends, family and loved ones. Testing helps reduce the spread of the virus. When someone tests positive for COVID-19, they can be isolated at home or, if needed, in a hospital.

Testing tells us: 

  • Who has the infection
  • Where in our communities the virus is spreading
  • How much the virus may be circulating in our communities

You should get tested if: 

  • You are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, including fever, chills, cough, congestion, sore throat, difficulty breathing, headache, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, or new loss of taste or smell;
  • You were notified by Marin Public Health as being high risk or a “close contact” to a person confirmed to have COVID-19;
  • You work in a high-risk setting, such as a hospital or medical clinic, long-term care facility, homeless shelter or prison; OR
  • You work in an occupation where you experience frequent contact with the public on a daily basis, including jobs as first responders, teachers, personal caregivers, housekeepers, construction workers, food service / restaurant workers, gas station and grocery store workers

San Rafael Businesses: COVID-19 Forum (online meeting)

Marin’s Public Health Commerce Outreach Committee and the Director of Marin Recovers will host a 45-minute online forum on October 28th at 4:00 PM to provide an update on latest data on COVID-19 in Marin County.

County Public Health staff will give presentations on COVID testing for employees, protocols for businesses when an employee tests positive. There will be a Q&A following presentations. Meeting participants include Dr. Lisa Santora, Deputy Public Health Officer and Director of Marin Recovers, Max Korten, and County Public Health staff.

Please join us as we all work together to provide safe environments for all staff and customers.

Join Zoom Meeting 
Call in1-669-900-9128 
Meeting ID: 867 5320 5621

Power Shutoff Watch vs. Warning

Graphic displaying the difference between a PG&E Watch and Warning Text Example

Earlier this month PG&E initiated Power Shutoffs in parts of the Bay Area. With the Red Flag warning in Marin County extended to Friday its helpful to stay informed about how PG&E communicates these service changes. Power Shutoff Watch notifications will be sent two days before and one day before a potential Power Shutoff event in your area. When forecasted conditions show a safety shutoff is needed and will happen soon, a Watch will be upgraded to a Warning. Pacific Gas & Electric will use the contact information provided in your account to send notifications via phone, email or text. Update your contact information online or call 1-866-743-6589.

Additional Resources:

Emergency Alerts

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