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Emergency Update: Tier 2 delayed, preparing for a power outage, face coverings, + more

Posted on September 8, 2020

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The National Weather Service issued an Excessive Heat Warning that’s been extended through September 9th. Forecasters predict a prolonged period of potentially dangerous heat across the Bay Area and Central Coast.

A Red Flag Warning means warm temperatures combined with low humidity and strong winds are expected to produce an increased risk of fire danger.

red flag warning 09.08.2020

Tier 2 Status Delayed

Last Friday, the State indicated Marin County could graduate from Tier 1 to Tier 2 status based on the County’s most recent coronavirus metrics, which would allow for more businesses to begin operating or expanding their limited operations. However, yesterday evening, Public Health Officials learned that a new methodology being used for analyzing coronavirus data has led the state to decline Marin’s move into the next tier. The new methodology includes a different timeframe for calculating a county’s case rate and a new adjustment for counties testing more than the State average.

Because of this, the following businesses have been delayed and must remain closed:

  • certain personal care services
  • indoor dining
  • indoor gyms
  • movie theaters
  • indoor houses of worship
  • expanded capacity at indoor retail establishments and malls

Visit the State’s Blueprint page to view a full list of businesses and at what capacity they are allowed to operate.

Are you ready for a PG&E Power Shut Off?

Yesterday Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) issued power shut off warnings to nearly two dozen California counties; Marin was not on the list. It may not be affecting us this time, but we know that it can in the future—let’s make sure we’re prepared when it does.

Get cash and gasoline: With the power out, stores may not be able to make credit or debit card transactions. Gas pumps require electricity to work, don’t count on them having a generator—fill up.

Put one or two bags of water in the freezer: By filling several gallon bags of water and sticking them in the freezer, you actually make your freezer more efficient. If the power goes out, put the frozen water containers in the fridge to keep that colder longer. And once the water’s melted, you have a small store of emergency water.

Learn to open the garage door with no electricity: Most garage doors can be opened without electricity by pulling on the red handle that’s on the garage door unit and then opening the door manually.

During a PG&E Power Shut Off, the City and PG&E may open community resource centers, or charging centers. Especially in times of COVID, these should be a last resort. Should a center be needed, priority will be given to those who require medical devices. If you can, prepare now to avoid the need for a charging center by purchasing portable battery packs that allow you to extend your cell phone’s battery life 2 to 5 times longer. Save the charging center for the medically vulnerable and those in need.

Woodward Fire Nearly Contained

To date, the Woodward Fire at Point Reyes National Seashore has burned 4,835 acres and is and 95% contained (a 54 percent gain since last week).  A total of 161 personnel continue working the fire, which is anticipated to be fully contained by Sunday September 20th.

For the latest information follow the Northern Rockies National Incident Management Team 2 news releases or visit their social media channels:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Radio – Tune in to KWMR daily at 9:30 am to hear the live audio stream of the Incident Command Daily Briefing

Air quality today isn’t great and we’ll continue to see unhealthy levels tomorrow, so when you can, stay inside with windows and doors closed as much as possible and try to avoid extended outdoor activity.

Always remember your face covering

Carry a cloth face covering with you when you leave home. Have it visible at all times, and put it on when others are nearby.

Many people with COVID-19 have no symptoms, but they can still infect others. Wearing a cloth face covering over their nose and mouth helps prevent unknowing carriers from spreading the disease.

When to wear a face covering 

Everyone over the age of 2 is required to wear a face covering when outside your home by the State of California. Wear a face covering when you are:

  • shopping at a store
  • waiting in line to enter a store
  • using or waiting for public transportation
  • in a taxi or ride share
  • seeking healthcare
  • inside any workplace, either as an employee, customer, or visitor
  • during outdoor dining, at all times other than when you are actively eating or drinking
  • walking outside and you see someone within 30 feet (about the length of a bus)

You will not be allowed to enter a business or use public transportation if you are not wearing a face covering.

When you are walking, running, or biking outside and see someone 30 feet away, put on your face covering. This way your nose and mouth will be covered by the time you get close to them.

When you don’t have to cover your face 

Face coverings are not required when you are:

  • at home, only with members of your household, and assuming everyone is healthy
  • in a car alone or exclusively with members of your household
  • sitting or standing with people you live with (such as picnicking outside) and you are more than 6 feet away from others
  • outside and not within 30 feet of anyone you don’t live with

When outside alone or with members of your household, you should still have a face covering with you. It should be visible and readily accessible when you’re exercising, like hanging around your neck.

Put it on when you see someone come within 30 feet (about the length of a bus).

Face coverings


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