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Draft Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan

Posted on January 17, 2019

over grown fire road

At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the Fire Department will present a draft Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan, which outlines 37 wildfire prevention goals, including updating the City’s vegetation management standards, expanding existing wildfire prevention programs, and implementing new programs and projects. The draft Plan was created in response to feedback from the community, as well as from direction from the City Council at the August 20, 2018 meeting, following a wildfire prevention report that was presented to the City Council. Staff  will present the draft Plan to provide both the City Council and the community an opportunity to review and provide feedback. After Tuesday’s City Council meeting, staff will compile feedback, make changes to the draft Plan as appropropriate, and bring back a final Wildfire Prevention and Protection Plan to the City Council for formal approval at a future meeting. We’d love to hear your comments.

For more information, read the staff report.

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