DPW maintenance staff and its contractors have been making a concerted effort in creating defensible space on properties adjacent to city Open Space as well as reducing roadside ignition sources. A contracted labor crew has been working around the Boyd Park and Robert Dollar Dr. open space areas weed eating tall grass, hand pulling broom and clearing dead vegetation. The area above Boyd Park was cleared to help reduce the risk of rapid fire spread from nearby homeless encampments and just below Robert Dollar Dr, a 100ft defensible space area was made for the private properties adjacent to the open space area. Parks Division staff have been weed eating roadside areas with high-risk ignition sources. In the photos you will see Matt Scales weed eating near Ridge and Belle, and Rene Ramos and Jose Tellez weed eating along Point San Pedro Rd.
With the lack of rain and severe drought conditions, most of the grass around the city has dried out a lot sooner than normal. The Streets Division staff have been busy concentrating on high weed mowing on city properties and roadsides to mitigate the fire risks. With assistance from contracted labor crews, they have been creating defensible spaces along private property lines. In the photo you will see Matt Gaehwiler mowing the opens space area near Hartzell Park. This year’s drought conditions have moved vegetation management activities up a month ahead of schedule and the Parks Division staff have been very busy cutting back tall dry grass and underbrush at various locations around the city. In the photos you will see Parks staff members, Alex Nacaspaca, Jorge Hernandez, Rene Ramos, Valente Curiel and Jose Tellez cleaning up along Spinnaker IV.