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Canal Community Resilience Collaboration Grant Workplan


June 22, 2023
  • PDF
  • 303 KB


The purpose of this Project is to conduct a community-informed technical feasibility study of sea level rise adaptation options along the greater Canal area shoreline of San Rafael (“Project Study Area”). It will include robust engagement in our priority equity community census tracts (“Primary Engagement Area”) to ensure that underrepresented community members have a voice and that inclusive decision-making guides the process. The City of San Rafael (Grantee) will work with the County of Marin and community-based organization (CBO) project partners Canal Alliance and Multicultural Center of Marin (“Project Team”) to build capacity of the two organizations by hiring one staff person per organization to help lead the project and develop culturally relevant community engagement methods for these census tracts, which have been identified as most vulnerable by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s 2020 Regional Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Study.

This project is funded by the California State Coastal Conservancy and the Marin Community Foundation.

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