Shops and restaurants are expanding their operations to offer indoor retail (starting today) and outdoor dining on sidewalks and parking spaces. If you don’t have any plans this weekend, consider taking a stroll downtown to experience new shopping and dining options and support our San Rafael businesses.
Many of the products you need can be purchased right here in San Rafael. We recently installed more bike racks throughout downtown San Rafael. Keep your carbon footprint low by walking or biking; it reduces traffic and air pollution, and keeps you healthy! Purchases made close to home or work are an investment in our local economy and they reduce your carbon footprint. Chances are you can buy it right here in San Rafael 💗
If you decide to head out, use this Open Restaurant Map to find out who’s open for pickup, delivery, or outdoor dining. Don’t forget to wear a face covering and keep 6-feet from others. Lastly, some shops may have occupancy rules, so they may be offering shopping appointments if it’s not first come, first serve.
Essential or Non-Essential: Get Tested
Testing capacity has significantly increased over the last several weeks. If you’ve continued working during the COVID-19 pandemic or are going back into work, you are strongly encouraged to get tested for COVID-19.
Pop-Up Testing this Sunday
On Sunday, June 14th, a COVID-19 mobile testing site will occupy the Albert J. Boro Community Center parking lot. No appointment required!
When: Sunday, June 14
10 AM – 1 PM
Where: Albert J. Boro Community Center/Pickleweed
50 Canal Street, San Rafael
Pacific Gas & Electric Resources
PG&E has set up a number of resources for customers to take advantage of, in addition, to address ongoing financial hardships, PG&E will not shut off power for unpaid bills during this time.
PG&E Financial Resources:
- California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE). A monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity. Participants qualify through income guidelines or if enrolled in certain public assistance programs.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA). A monthly discount of 18% on electricity only. Must be a household with three or more people. Participants qualify through income guidelines.
- Offering Flexible Payment Plans. You can schedule payment of your current balance over several months to help address temporary financial strains.
- Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive at the San Rafael Community Center on June 17—check out their website to make an appointment!
- The County of Marin continues releasing industry reopening guidelines, check them out on marinrecovers.org
- Did you miss the PG&E webinar about their Community Wildfire Safety Program? If so, you can review the recording, and others, online.