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Construction Safety Protocols During COVID-19

Posted on May 8, 2020

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To continue to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Marin County Health Officer has issued a new Shelter in Place Order (“Order”) that extends the shelter in place mandate through May 31, 2020 with some modifications. Under this new Order, small construction projects may continue if Construction Safety Protocols per Appendix B-1 of the Order and additional requirements from Cal-OSHA are followed.

Our office will remain close to the public. Permits applications and fees can be made on-line through our permit portal at . Applicants can also upload required plans and documents for review and check on plan review status, comments, and inspection results. The building staff is working to expand and streamline on-line services, including on-line conferencing and electronic plan review.

Since March 16th, the City of San Rafael has accepted permit applications for more than $10,000,000 of construction projects. During this crisis the Building Division team has continued to accept permit applications, review plans, issue permits and conduct inspections. We anticipate the public could initially see longer than normal plan check times and delays for inspections. We appreciate your patience as we ramp up to meet your permitting and inspection needs.

The Building Division’s current capacity for field inspection is approximately 100-120 inspections per week. Due to limits of staffing and inspections, permitted projects that are life safety, unoccupied/vacant, commercial or are outside and are strictly following the Construction Safety Protocols, will be will be given inspection preference over permitted projects being conducted inside occupied residential spaces. Permitted projects inside occupied residential spaces that can be deferred should be deferred and those projects that cannot meet the Construction Safety Protocols must be deferred to after the Order expires.

Our main concern is safety and preventing the spread of the virus, so our inspectors may refuse inspections for any reason and will refuse inspections where the Construction Safety Protocols are not followed including isolating the permitted work properly from occupied spaces. Projects with special concerns or circumstances will be reviewed, case by case, by the Building Official. Projects that do not follow the Construction Safety Protocols will occur re-inspection fees, fines, and will be Ordered to Stop Work.

Additional resources and templates to help you follow the new Construction Safety Protocols:

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