There’s a lot happening in the month of May! Did you know that the first ever Bike to School Day event was May 9, 2012? The event builds off Walk to School Day, which is a globally recognized event held in October. One of the things we’ll be recognizing this month is National Bicycle Safety month. You have probably noticed that many more people are out on the streets biking for exercise, recreation, mental health, and affordable transportation. If you’re jumping on a bike to go for a ride remember to wear your helmet!
Cyclists who wear a helmet reduce their risk of head injury by an estimated 60% —National Safety Council
Under the current health order, individuals are not required to wear a face covering while riding or performing other outdoor exercises though they should have one handy at all times and practice physical distancing.
Other than riding a bicycle, what other ways are there to improve our mental health? Need some inspiration? May is also Mental Health Month and Mental Health America has launched their 2020 theme: Tools 2 Thrive!
Keeping your mental health strong is a good practice to engage in any time and it’s especially paramount during stressful times, like during a pandemic! Create healthy routines for yourself, support one another, and staying connected are just a few of the ways you can keep yourself balanced.
Stay resilient San Rafael 💗
But today, we celebrate nurses!
Today, May 6, 2020 we recognize nurses on National Nurses Day. National Nurses Day is the first day of National Nurses week, which will conclude next Tuesday, May 12, 2020. At the end of the 19th century, Florence Nightingale, also famously known as “the lady with the lamp”, was a revolutionary figure in nursing. It was through her diligent practices of hand washing and good hygiene while caring for soldiers during the Crimean War that reduced the death rate of soldiers by 95%. It was important then, and it’s important now!
To all of our nurses on the front lines of this pandemic, we thank you for your essential work in health care across communities to keep people happy and healthy. We’re not sure where we’d be without you!
Federal funds for rental assistance
The City of San Rafael, the County of Marin, as well as the City of Novato, will be placing our allocated portions of CDBG-CV funds, through the CARES Act, into the Marin County Emergency Rental Assistance Program. These funds have been restricted for use to assist our communities with financial relief due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to apply
Applications can be submitted online. Can’t submit your request online? Call the COVID-19 Information Line is 415-473-7191 (CA Relay Service Dial 711). Phone calls will be answered Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m – Noon and 1 p.m – 5 p.m.
Marin Recovers—have you seen it?
On Monday, the County of Marin launched their COVID-19 Recovery Plan on the Marin Recovers website, which lays down the groundwork for the safe reopening of our economy in three phases. They’ve also provided a feedback form, which will remain open until May 15, for the community to comment and make suggestions to the advisory group leading this campaign. Check out the website and provide your input—it’s needed to move forward!
- Report price gouging; contact the Marin District Attorney’s Office by calling (415) 473-6495 or by emailing consumer@marincounty.org.
- Census 2020—You can still respond! April 1 is a reference date, not a deadline to respond. When you respond online, over the phone, or by mail, count everyone living in your home as of April 1, 2020.
- If you need help accessing fresh, healthy food, there are resources available to you in San Rafael.