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City Hall Art – Nellie King Solomon

Posted on August 2, 2019


Your very own City Hall recently received a temporary Arts upgrade! This past Monday, ArtWorks Downtown came in and installed a temporary art piece by Nellie King Solomon on the main stairwell (adjacent to our main lobby) of City Hall. Art Works will be hosting Solomon and exhibiting her art work at other places across the city, including at Bank of Marin, Proof Lab, and the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce. The 7’ x 7’ canvas piece, named Cold Stacks 1 &2, is part of Solomon’s Zenpop paintings, and will be on display at City Hall through September 13. We are thrilled to partner with Art Works to feature artists’ work at our facilities and to give folks the opportunity to appreciate Arts and Culture in our community. Make sure to stop by City Hall to check out the piece! And of course, visit the exhibit in ArtWorks Downtown from August 2 through September 13.


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