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Category: B Street Culvert Repair

B Street Culvert Replacement Project Update: Completed!

Striping of the B St intersection was completed on September 25, 2024. Before the striping began, traffic was observed by City staff and discussions were held with the City’s contractor, consultants, and the business owner located near the intersection. All four crosswalks at the intersection were turned into yellow ladder crosswalks to call greater attention … Continued

B Street Culvert Replacement Project Update: Final Stages

Construction on the B Street Culvert Replacement Project is almost complete. The week of September 2, 2024, the contractor formed and poured the sidewalk, driveways, ramp, curb, and gutter. On September 10th, the contractor resurfaced the entire intersection surrounding the new culvert. The contractor demobilized on September 11th. The last item of work is striping, … Continued

B St. Culvert Replacement Project: Update & Upcoming Street Closure on 9/10/24

Construction on the B Street Culvert Replacement Project started on July 22, 2024. The section of the current concrete box culvert requiring replacement has been replaced as of August 30, 2024.  This week, the contractor will pour the curb, gutter, sidewalk, and ramps. Next week, the contractor will resurface the section of B Street around … Continued

B St. Culvert Replacement Project: March Update

The B Street Culvert Replacement Project aims to replace a section of the current concrete box culvert under B Street, near Woodland Avenue. On February 27th, City staff rebid the project with the intent to return to Council April 2024 for consideration of a new construction contract. Currently, Engineering and Streets staff are collaborating to … Continued

B St. Culvert Replacement Project: February Update

The B Street Culvert Replacement Project aims to replace a section of the current concrete box culvert under B Street, near Woodland Avenue. Although City council awarded the construction contract to Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc. on October 18, 2021, the project faced delays due to heavy storms that year. Subsequently, negotiations with the City concerning … Continued

B St. Culvert Replacement Project: Construction postponed until March 2022

The Department of Public Works is postponing construction work that will affect traffic and parking on B Street near the intersection of Woodland Avenue, Bayview Street, and Taylor Street. The project is postponed due to the large storm that hit San Rafael in October. It has been decided that the culvert remain open to avoid … Continued

B St. culvert replacement project – construction contract awarded

The B St Culvert Replacement Project was advertised on Sept 17th and bids were opened on Oct 7th. Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc. was found to be the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. On Oct 18th, City Council awarded the construction contract to Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc. Construction is estimated to start in November 2021.  More … Continued

B Street culvert repair project

The objective of the B Street Culvert Repair project is to remove the existing concrete box culvert and replace with a new cast-in-place concrete box culvert. A small section of the box culvert will be reconstructed near the intersection of B Street and Woodland Avenue. The City hired the design consultant, Mark Thomas & Company, Inc., to … Continued

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